Overcoming Resistance: A Personal Battle

September is a tricky month for me. It’s a month of new beginnings, which is all good. It’s a new iteration of the Lab, focused on digital entrepreneurship after 50. Yay! September is also a month of getting organized, getting my s*%t together…which is where I run into trouble. 

I’m excited about how the Lab can help people thrive in the digital age—especially those who, like me, didn’t grow up here. It’s the safe space and community of practice I wish I had when I got started on my digital entrepreneurship journey, the one I want to support me moving forward, and the one I dare hope will inspire and empower others.  

Sounds good right? Only I’m terrified to share it, and this is where the organizing comes in. I mean, it’s September, the perfect time to get my digital house in order. I’ll make notes and write about it to help others. Yes! Perfect! No. Not perfect. Insipid. 

It’s Resistance, full on. I have Steven Pressfield to thank for the name, though not the experience. Resistance and I are old foes friends. R whispers, sounding just like me: “It’s not good enough. You’re not ready. Don’t put yourself out there.” 

She’s is so canny. Of course it’s helpful to share tips and tricks for keeping your digital house in order, virtuous even. Plus digital is messy, so there is organizing to do, lots of it. But I also see—thanks to my friend Ginger—that is not what my mad organizing jag is about. 

It’s about telling people (you) about the safe space I’ve created where people who have figured out how to use modern tech like TickTick and ClickUp to manage digital clutter (Ginger) can generously share that learning with others (me). A safe space to ask questions, practice, make mistakes, and build confidence as digital entrepreneurs. I think it might be magic. 

So magic, that this morning I sit in my favorite cafe, at my computer, and fight the big R for the courage to tell you about the Lab. 

Maybe you’re running your business and know modern tech could make you more efficient, but not sure how, or feel overwhelmed with all the options.  

Maybe you recently left (or dream of leaving) the corporate world for a new adventure running your own show, following your purpose or feeling more free, but not sure how or where to start. 

Maybe you’re in the muddle of figuring out the intricacies of running a business, building a career in the digital world, and wondering if you really belong here.

If any of that sounds familiar, the Lab is for you. 

Want a sneak peek? Visit https://orangegatelabs.com/lab

Have questions? Your own stories about Resistance? Share a comment, DM me, or send me an email

So long big R. Today I win.


My quest to conquer Instagram: A wobby start.


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